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  • 素イ(そい)| 陶芸家市野雅彦のアトリエ


    soi【素イ】 *coined term

    1. being true to myself

    2. simply being here​

    3. there is source of imagination

    I am strongly drawn to things that go beyond my imagination.
    ​ It stems from dialogues with uncontrollable nature or chance encounters with people.​
    Being true to myself. ​
    I believe that by deliberately not completing our current selves or this place, ​
    we can always encounter new creations and connections.​
    I hope that this place, created in my own unique way, becomes a catalyst for many people.​ ​

    Masahiko Ichino


    I believe that beautiful tools only truly become complete,
    when they become a part of people's lives.

    There are the collections of simple Tamba ware "taiga" series proposed by Soi,
    as well as "things made with the heart of the creators" that we encountered.

    *Taiga-Kobo open 10:00-17:00 (No regular holiday)

    I am selecting the things I like, the ones I want to be surrounded by in my life.

    Taiga's style continues to change with the times, but is always connected.


    I always strive to create something that is in line with the times,
    in my own way.

    Tamba has been sending out ceramics to the world for a long time since the Heian period.
    The story of this place began with Taiga Kiln, which was built in 1988 in this historic area.

    *Not open to the public.

    The moment of firing and taking out the kiln is the most uplifting.
    I expect something beyond my imagination that fire will bring by chance.

    “Creating something good” and “making it well” are completely different things.
    Even if you are not good at it, you can create “good things”,and what you make well is not necessarily “good”.


    Follow my heart.

    A space that we continue to create as our hearts desire,a place where we can be ourselves.
    Even now, we continue to create while adding our hands little by little.

    *Not open to the public.

    Harmony is the most important thing when making pottery.
    Harmonize by adding and subtracting.

    The feeling that all the elements coexist comfortably.


    Transient beauty.

    Flowing with nature, ​
    Breathing in every passing season.

    masahiko ichino

    Encountering soil,
    creating together with soil.

    Learn the character of each soil while having a dialogue with the soil.
    Create works that make use of the characteristics of each soil.

    *For more details are below.
    Masahiko Ichino’s pottery history

    No matter what type of soil it is, as I spend time with it,
    I come to understand its character.
    It's a sense of approaching each soil's character,
    adapting myself to it.

    Something slightly immature,
    a bit lacking, is just right.
    I feel that there's something missing in things
    that are being challenged.
    That's why I like it.


    Hyogo Prefecture, Tanba-Sasayama City, Shimozonohara 83, Imada-cho
    Google MAP

    By car.
    Approximately 15 minutes from the Maizuru-Wakasa Expressway, Mita West Interchange,
    or approximately 20 minutes from the Tannan Sasayamaguchi Interchange.

    Approximately 30 minutes east on National Route 372 from the Chugoku Expressway, Taki-no-yashiro Interchange.

    *For any inquiries, please contact us via direct message on Instagram.